The pelvic floor and core form the foundation of our body. It houses our energy and influences all of our daily activities.
The Pelvic Floor begins with the bony parts of the pelvis. Hips, back, sitz bones, pubic bone. Then the layer of muscles around the outside of those bones, hip flexors, abdominals, bum and back. The pelvic floor is layers of muscles at the bottom of the pelvis. In its basic form these muscles attach to the sitz bones on either side, the pubic bone in front and the tail bone at the back. This “sling” of muscles holds our abdominal organs in and up, are a platform for the vulva and pubic hair. They also manage what goes in and out- pee, poop, sex, birth. When the pelvic floor is off balance everything on top of it is off balance too, breath, posture, back, neck. And everything below is affected as well- groin, legs, hips knees, feet. The pelvic floor plays an essential part in every breath we take.

Bones of the Pelvis

I love the image below as it show how integrated our pelvic floor muscles are with our hips!

The Core is what holds the rest of the body to the pelvis. Layers of abdominals and back muscles, fascia and connective tissue. But, we often focus on that six pack of abs rather than the small hard working deep core muscles that hold everything together.

The pelvic floor and deep core are really amazing. They can handle a lot, until it gets pushed too far (sound familiar) and everything starts to fall apart. This program gets your pelvic floor, diaphram and core working togther from the inside out for strength, balance, posture and all systems functioning well.